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By using useSimpleList, you can get properties that are compatible with Ant Design <List> component. All features such as sorting, filtering, and pagination come out of the box. Under the hood it uses useTable for the fetch.

For all the other features, you can refer to the Ant Design <List> documentation.

Basic Usage

In the following example, we will show how to use useSimpleList to list the products.

It returns listProps which is compatible with Ant Design <List> component. By default, it reads resource from the current URL.

import { useSimpleList } from "@refinedev/antd";
import { Typography, List } from "antd";

const { Text } = Typography;

interface IProduct {
id: number;
name: string;
description: string;
price: string;

const ProductList: React.FC = () => {
const { listProps } = useSimpleList<IProduct>();

return <List {...listProps} renderItem={renderItem} />;

const renderItem = (item: IProduct) => {
const { id, name, description, price } = item;

return (
<List.Item actions={[<Text key={id}>{price}</Text>]}>
<List.Item.Meta title={name} description={description} />


This feature comes out of the box with the listProps.pagination. It generates the pagination links for the <List> component instead of react state and overrides <List>'s pagination.itemRender value.

It also syncs the pagination state with the URL if you enable the syncWithLocation.

If you want to make a change in the pagination of the <List>. You should pass the pagination object of the listProps to the pagination property of the <List> as below. You can override the values of the pagination object as your need.

// ...
const { listProps } = useSimpleList<IProduct>();

// ...

return (
position: "top",
size: "small",

By default, pagination happens on the server side. If you want to do pagination handling on the client side, you can pass the pagination.mode property and set it to "client". Also, you can disable the pagination by setting the "off".


The useSimpleList hook supports the sorting feature. You can pass the sorters property to the hook to set the initial and permanent sorting state.

It also syncs the sorting state with the URL if you enable the syncWithLocation.

import { useSimpleList } from "@refinedev/antd";
import { Typography, List } from "antd";

const { Text } = Typography;

interface IProduct {
id: number;
name: string;
description: string;
price: string;

const ProductList: React.FC = () => {
const { listProps } = useSimpleList<IProduct>({
sorters: {
initial: [
field: "name",
order: "desc",

return <List {...listProps} renderItem={renderItem} />;

const renderItem = (item: IProduct) => {
const { id, name, description, price } = item;

return (
<List.Item actions={[<Text key={id}>{price}</Text>]}>
<List.Item.Meta title={name} description={description} />


The useSimpleList hook supports the filtering feature. You can pass the filters property to the hook to set the initial and permanent filtering state and you change the filtering state by using the setFilter function.

It also syncs the filtering state with the URL if you enable the syncWithLocation.

import { useSimpleList } from "@refinedev/antd";
import { Typography, List, Input } from "antd";

const { Text } = Typography;

interface IProduct {
id: number;
name: string;
description: string;
price: string;

const ProductList: React.FC = () => {
const { listProps, setFilters } = useSimpleList<IProduct>({
filters: {
initial: [
field: "name",
operator: "contains",
value: "Awesome",

return (
placeholder="Search by name"
onChange={(e) => {
field: "name",
operator: "contains",
<List {...listProps} renderItem={renderItem} />

const renderItem = (item: IProduct) => {
const { id, name, description, price } = item;

return (
<List.Item actions={[<Text key={id}>{price}</Text>]}>
<List.Item.Meta title={name} description={description} />

We can use onSearch property and searchFormProps return value to make a custom filter form. onSearch is a function that is called when the form is submitted. searchFormProps is a property that is passed to the <Form> component.

import { useSimpleList } from "@refinedev/antd";
import { Typography, List, Form, Input, Button } from "antd";
import { HttpError } from "@refinedev/core";

const { Text } = Typography;

interface IProduct {
id: number;
name: string;
description: string;
price: string;

interface ISearch {
name: string;
description: string;

const ProductList: React.FC = () => {
const { listProps, searchFormProps } = useSimpleList<
onSearch: (values) => {
return [
field: "name",
operator: "contains",
field: "description",
operator: "contains",
value: values.description,

return (
<Form {...searchFormProps} layout="inline">
<Form.Item name="name">
<Input placeholder="Search by name" />
<Form.Item name="description">
<Input placeholder="Search by description" />
<Button type="primary" onClick={searchFormProps.form?.submit}>
<List {...listProps} renderItem={renderItem} />

const renderItem = (item: IProduct) => {
const { id, name, description, price } = item;

return (
<List.Item actions={[<Text key={id}>{price}</Text>]}>
<List.Item.Meta title={name} description={description} />

Realtime Updates

This feature is only available if you use a Live Provider.

When the useSimpleList hook is mounted, it will call the subscribe method from the liveProvider with some parameters such as channel, resource etc. It is useful when you want to subscribe to live updates.

Refer to the liveProvider documentation for more information



The useSimpleList passes the resource to the dataProvider as a param. This parameter is usually used as an API endpoint path. It all depends on how to handle the resources in your dataProvider. See the creating a data provider section for an example of how resources are handled.

The resource value is inferred from the current route where the component or the hook is used. It can be overridden by passing the resource prop.

The use case for overriding the resource prop:

  • We can list a category from the <ProductList> page.
import React from "react";
import { HttpError } from "@refinedev/core";
import { useSimpleList } from "@refinedev/antd";

interface IProduct {
id: number;
name: string;
description: string;
price: string;

interface ICategory {
id: number;
name: string;

export const ProductList: React.FC = () => {
const { tableQueryResult: productsQueryResult } = useSimpleList<

const { tableQueryResult: categoriesQueryResult } = useSimpleList<
resource: "categories",

return <div>{/* ... */}</div>;

Also, you can give a URL path to the resource prop.

resource: "categories/subcategory", // <BASE_URL_FROM_DATA_PROVIDER>/categories/subcategory


Default: 1

Sets the initial value of the page index.

pagination: {
current: 2,


Default: 10

Sets the initial value of the page size.

pagination: {
pageSize: 20,


Default: "server"

It can be "off", "server" or "client".

  • "off": Pagination is disabled. All records will be fetched.
  • "client": Pagination is done on the client side. All records will be fetched and then the records will be paginated on the client side.
  • "server":: Pagination is done on the server side. Records will be fetched by using the current and pageSize values.
pagination: {
mode: "client",


Sets the initial value of the sorter. The initial is not permanent. It will be cleared when the user changes the sorter. If you want to set a permanent value, use the sorters.permanent prop.

Refer to the CrudSorting interface for more information

sorters: {
initial: [
field: "name",
order: "asc",


Sets the permanent value of the sorter. The permanent is permanent and unchangeable. It will not be cleared when the user changes the sorter. If you want to set a temporary value, use the sorters.initial prop.

Refer to the CrudSorting interface for more information

sorters: {
permanent: [
field: "name",
order: "asc",


Sets the initial value of the filter. The initial is not permanent. It will be cleared when the user changes the filter. If you want to set a permanent value, use the filters.permanent prop.

Refer to the CrudFilters interface for more information

filters: {
initial: [
field: "name",
operator: "contains",
value: "Foo",


Sets the permanent value of the filter. The permanent is permanent and unchangeable. It will not be cleared when the user changes the filter. If you want to set a temporary value, use the filters.initial prop.

Refer to the CrudFilters interface for more information

filters: {
permanent: [
field: "name",
operator: "contains",
value: "Foo",


Default: merge

The filtering behavior can be set to either "merge" or "replace".

  • When the filter behavior is set to "merge", it will merge the new filter with the existing filters. This means that if the new filter has the same column as an existing filter, the new filter will replace the existing filter for that column. If the new filter has a different column than the existing filters, it will be added to the existing filters.

  • When the filter behavior is set to "replace", it will replace all existing filters with the new filter. This means that any existing filters will be removed and only the new filter will be applied to the table.

You can also override the default value by using the second parameter of the setFilters function.

filters: {
defaultBehavior: "replace",


Default: false

When you use the syncWithLocation feature, the useSimpleList's state (e.g. sort order, filters, pagination) is automatically encoded in the query parameters of the URL, and when the URL changes, the useSimpleList state is automatically updated to match. This makes it easy to share list states across different routes or pages and allows users to bookmark or share links to specific table views.

Also, you can set this value globally on the <Refine> component.

syncWithLocation: true,


useSimpleList uses useTable hook to fetch data. You can pass queryOptions.

queryOptions: {
retry: 3,


meta is a special property that can be used to pass additional information to data provider methods for the following purposes:

  • Customizing the data provider methods for specific use cases.
  • Generating GraphQL queries using plain JavaScript Objects (JSON).

Refer to the meta section of the General Concepts documentation for more information

In the following example, we pass the headers property in the meta object to the create method. With similar logic, you can pass any properties to specifically handle the data provider methods.

meta: {
headers: { "x-meta-data": "true" },

const myDataProvider = {
getList: async ({
}) => {
const headers = meta?.headers ?? {};
const url = `${apiUrl}/${resource}`;


const { data, headers } = await httpClient.get(`${url}`, { headers });

return {


If there is more than one dataProvider, you can specify which one to use by passing the dataProviderName prop. It is useful when you have a different data provider for different resources.

dataProviderName: "second-data-provider",


NotificationProvider is required for this prop to work.

After data is fetched successfully, useSimpleList can call the open function from NotificationProvider to show a success notification. With this prop, you can customize the success notification.

successNotification: (data, values, resource) => {
return {
message: `${data.title} Successfully fetched.`,
description: "Success with no errors",
type: "success",


NotificationProvider is required for this prop to work.

After data fetching is failed, useSimpleList will call the open function from NotificationProvider to show an error notification. With this prop, you can customize the error notification.

errorNotification: (data, values, resource) => {
return {
message: `Something went wrong when getting ${}`,
description: "Error",
type: "error",


LiveProvider is required for this prop to work.

Determines whether to update data automatically ("auto") or not ("manual") if a related live event is received. It can be used to update and show data in Realtime throughout your app. For more information about live mode, please check the Live / Realtime page.

liveMode: "auto",


LiveProvider is required for this prop to work.

The callback function is executed when new events from a subscription have arrived.

onLiveEvent: (event) => {


LiveProvider is required for this prop to work.

Params to pass to liveProvider's subscribe method.


When searchFormProps.onFinish is called, the onSearch function is called with the values of the form. The onSearch function should return CrudFilters | Promise<CrudFilters>. When the onSearch function is called, the current page will be set to 1.

It's useful when you want to filter the data with multiple fields by using the <Form> component.

// ...

const { searchFormProps, listProps } = useSimpleList({
onSearch: (values) => {
return [
field: "name",
operator: "contains",
field: "description",
operator: "contains",
value: values.description,

// ...

return (
<Form {...searchFormProps} layout="inline">
<Form.Item name="name">
<Input placeholder="Search by name" />
<Form.Item name="description">
<Input placeholder="Search by description" />
<Button type="primary" onClick={searchFormProps.form?.submit}>
<AntdList {...listProps} renderItem={renderItem} />



Use pagination.current instead.

Default: 1

Sets the initial value of the page index.

initialCurrent: 2,



Use pagination.pageSize instead.

Default: 10

Sets the initial value of the page size.

initialPageSize: 20,



Use pagination.mode instead.

Default: true

Determines whether to use server-side pagination or not.

hasPagination: false,



Use sorters.initial instead.

Sets the initial value of the sorter. The initialSorter is not permanent. It will be cleared when the user changes the sorter. If you want to set a permanent value, use the permanentSorter prop.

Refer to the CrudSorting interface for more information

initialSorter: [
field: "name",
order: "asc",



Use sorters.permanent instead.

Sets the permanent value of the sorter. The permanentSorter is permanent and unchangeable. It will not be cleared when the user changes the sorter. If you want to set a temporary value, use the initialSorter prop.

Refer to the CrudSorting interface for more information

permanentSorter: [
field: "name",
order: "asc",



Use filters.initial instead.

Sets the initial value of the filter. The initialFilter is not permanent. It will be cleared when the user changes the filter. If you want to set a permanent value, use the permanentFilter prop.

Refer to the CrudFilters interface for more information

initialFilter: [
field: "name",
operator: "contains",
value: "Foo",



Use filters.permanent instead.

Sets the permanent value of the filter. The permanentFilter is permanent and unchangeable. It will not be cleared when the user changes the filter. If you want to set a temporary value, use the initialFilter prop.

Refer to the CrudFilters interface for more information

permanentFilter: [
field: "name",
operator: "contains",
value: "Foo",



Use filters.defaultBehavior instead.

Default: merge

The filtering behavior can be set to either "merge" or "replace".

  • When the filter behavior is set to "merge", it will merge the new filter with the existing filters. This means that if the new filter has the same column as an existing filter, the new filter will replace the existing filter for that column. If the new filter has a different column than the existing filters, it will be added to the existing filters.

  • When the filter behavior is set to "replace", it will replace all existing filters with the new filter. This means that any existing filters will be removed and only the new filter will be applied to the table.

You can also override the default value by using the second parameter of the setFilters function.

defaultSetFilterBehavior: "replace",

Return Values


Returned values from useList hook.


It returns <Form> instance of Ant Design. When searchFormProps.onFinish is called, it will trigger onSearch function. You can also use searchFormProps.form.submit to submit the form manually.

It's useful when you want to create a filter form for your <List>.

// ...

const { searchFormProps, listProps } = useSimpleList({
onSearch: (values) => {
return [
field: "name",
operator: "contains",
field: "description",
operator: "contains",
value: values.description,

// ...

return (
<Form {...searchFormProps} layout="inline">
<Form.Item name="name">
<Input placeholder="Search by name" />
<Form.Item name="description">
<Input placeholder="Search by description" />
<Button type="primary" onClick={searchFormProps.form?.submit}>
<AntdList {...listProps} renderItem={renderItem} />


listProps is an object that contains compatible props for Ant Design [<List>][antd list] component.


Contains the data to be displayed in the list. Values fetched with useList hook.


Indicates whether the data is being fetched.


Returns pagination configuration values(pageSize, current, position, etc.).


Current sorters state.


A function to set current sorters state.

 (sorters: CrudSorting) => void;


Current filters state.


((filters: CrudFilters, behavior?: SetFilterBehavior) => void) & ((setter: (prevFilters: CrudFilters) => CrudFilters) => void)

A function to set current filters state.


Current page index state. If pagination is disabled, it will be undefined.


React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<number>> | undefined;

A function to set the current page index state. If pagination is disabled, it will be undefined.


Current page size state. If pagination is disabled, it will be undefined.


React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<number>> | undefined;

A function to set the current page size state. If pagination is disabled, it will be undefined.


Total page count state. If pagination is disabled, it will be undefined.


(params: SyncWithLocationParams) => string;

A function creates accessible links for syncWithLocation. It takes an [SyncWithLocationParams][syncwithlocationparams] as parameters.



Use sorters instead.

Current sorters state.



Use setSorters instead.

A function to set current sorters state.

 (sorters: CrudSorting) => void;



Type Parameters

TQueryFnDataResult data returned by the query function. Extends BaseRecordBaseRecordBaseRecord
TErrorCustom error object that extends HttpErrorHttpErrorHttpError
TSearchVariablesAntd form values{}{}
TDataResult data returned by the select function. Extends BaseRecord. If not specified, the value of TQueryFnData will be used as the default value.BaseRecordTQueryFnData

Return values

queryResultResult of the query of a recordQueryObserverResult<{ data: TData }>
searchFormPropsAnt design Form propsForm
listPropsAnt design List propsList
totalPageTotal page count (returns undefined if pagination is disabled)number | undefined
currentCurrent page index state (returns undefined if pagination is disabled)number | undefined
setCurrentA function that changes the current (returns undefined if pagination is disabled)React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<number>> | undefined
pageSizeCurrent pageSize state (returns undefined if pagination is disabled)number | undefined
setPageSizeA function that changes the pageSize. (returns undefined if pagination is disabled)React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<number>> | undefined
sortersCurrent sorting stateCrudSorting
setSortersA function that accepts a new sorters state.(sorters: CrudSorting) => void
sorterCurrent sorting stateCrudSorting
setSorterA function that accepts a new sorters state.(sorters: CrudSorting) => void
filtersCurrent filters stateCrudFilters
setFiltersA function that accepts a new filter state- (filters: CrudFilters, behavior?: "merge" \| "replace" = "merge") => void
- (setter: (previousFilters: CrudFilters) => CrudFilters) => void