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Version: 4.xx.xx


useResource is used to get the resources array that you defined in <Refine>. It also returns resource object. You can pass a resource name or identifier to match a resource or it will return the resource object that matches the current route.


If you pass a resource name or identifier to useResource, it will return the resource object that matches the name or identifier. If there is no match, a temporary resource will be created with the provided name or identifier.

Basic Usage​

Without parameters​

If you don't pass any parameter to useResource, it will return the resource object that matches the current route by default. If there is no match, the resource will be undefined.

import { useResource } from "@refinedev/core";

const { resources, resource, action, id } = useResource();

With a resource name or identifier​

If you pass a resource name or identifier to useResource, it will return the resource object that matches the name or identifier. If there is no match, a temporary resource will be created with the provided name or identifier.

import { useResource } from "@refinedev/core";

const { resource } = useResource("posts");

Return Values​


An array of resources that you defined in <Refine>.


Resource object.


Resource name of resource object.


id parameter of the current route.


action from the current route if there is a match.

API Reference​


Return value​

resourceIResourceItem | undefined
resourceNamestring | undefined
actionundefined | "list" | "create" | "edit" | "show" | "clone"


interface IResourceComponents {
list?: string | React.ComponentType<any> | { component: React.ComponentType<any>; path: string };
create?: string | React.ComponentType<any> | { component: React.ComponentType<any>; path: string };
edit?: string | React.ComponentType<any> | { component: React.ComponentType<any>; path: string };
show?: string | React.ComponentType<any> | { component: React.ComponentType<any>; path: string };

interface IResourceItem extends IResourceComponents {
name: string;
identifier?: string;
meta?: MetaProps;