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1. Data Provider


The Data Provider unit is optional for the tutorial. You can directly skip to the next unit, Adding CRUD Pages, if desired

What is data provider?

Data provider acts as a data layer for your app, making HTTP requests and encapsulating how the data is retrieved. The methods of these requests are then consumed by refine via data hooks.

Data providers can also communicate with REST, GraphQL, RPC and SOAP based APIs, so you can imagine the data provider as an adapter between refine and the API.

You don’t need to worry about creating data providers from scratch, as refine offers built-in data provider support for the most popular API providers. If you want, we will also show how you can create your own data provider in the coming sections.

A typical data provider has the following methods that are used to perform data operations:

import { DataProvider } from "@refinedev/core";

const dataProvider: DataProvider = {
create: ({ resource, variables, meta }) => Promise,
deleteOne: ({ resource, id, variables, meta }) => Promise,
getList: ({
}) => Promise,
getOne: ({ resource, id, meta }) => Promise,
update: ({ resource, id, variables, meta }) => Promise,
getApiUrl: () => "",

refine comes with various data providers out of the box, but for this tutorial, will be using the refine-simple-rest data provider to communicate with RESTful APIs.

For more information, refer to the refine-simple-rest source code

Using data providers in refine

In the previous unit, we already consumed the API to show the data in the auto-generated Inferencer pages and registered a data provider using the dataProvider property of the <Refine> component to allow refine communicate with the API:

import dataProvider from "@refinedev/simple-rest";


For more information, refer to refine's dataProvider prop component documentation

How are data provider methods used in the app?

When we want to fetch data from API, we do it by using refine's data hooks, which are internally connected to data provider methods. We pass the required parameters to the data provider methods, and then the API returns a response.

To illustrate this internal connection, imagine that we want to get all records from the post resource using refine's useList data hook.

import { useList } from "@refinedev/core";

const postUseListResult = useList({
resource: "posts",
sorters: [
field: "id",
order: "desc",
filters: [
field: "title",
operator: "contains",
value: "hello",

As you can see, when we pass parameters to the useList hook, refine automatically forwards them to the getList method of the data provider. This is because refine connects all data provider methods to their corresponding data hooks in the background.

const dataProvider = {
getList: (params) => {
"resource": "posts",
"sorters": [
"field": "id",
"order": "desc"
"filters": [
"field": "title",
"operator": "contains",
"value": "hello"

Supported data providers

refine supports many data providers. To include them in your project, you can use npm install [packageName] or you can select the preferred data provider with the npm create refine-app@latest projectName during the project creation phase with CLI. This will allow you to easily use these data providers in your project.

Community ❤️

If you have created a custom data provider and would like to share it with the community, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We would be happy to include it on this page for others to use.
